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博士后:澳大利亚悉尼大学,地球科学学院, 2012,导师:Jonathan Aitchison

博士:香港大学/美国加州大学(戴维斯),地质学专业,2007~2011,导师:周美夫,Jonathan AitchisonRyosuke Motani






2017-2020:德国波恩大学,洪堡访问学者,合作教授:Martin Sander


2013Atkins (Hong Kong),工程地质咨询师












    作为第一导师指导国家级大创项目2项,省级大创项目2项,校级大创项目10余项,本科毕业设计20余项,获安徽省本科生教学成果二等奖1项,作为负责人获批BETVlCTOR 伟德体育全国科普教育基地以及地质学国家级一流本科专业建设点。






Rizwan Awan: 2021-2024(预期),2021年获中国石油大学(北京)地质资源与地质工程博士学位,博士后课题为“华南的页岩气地质研究”

Andrzej Wolniewicz: 2020-2023(预期),2018年获英国牛津大学古生物学博士学位,2020年获选“中国博士后国际交流计划引进人才项目”资助,博士后课题为“鱼龙的早期演化”

Masaya Iijima: 2018-20212018年获日本北海道大学古生物学博士学位,同年获选“中国博士后国际交流计划引进人才项目”资助,博士后出站报告题目为“东亚新生代鳄类的分类学与演化”,目前为英国伦敦大学博士后








顾立昂:2019-2024(预期),2019年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地下水科学与工程学士学位,博士课题为“湖北早三叠世南漳-远安动物群鱼龙研究”





沈星宇:2022-2025(预期),2022年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学学士学位,硕士课题为“云贵地区三叠纪长颈龙科研究”



虎艺薇:2021-2024(预期),2021年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学学士学位,硕士课题为“云南泸西地区三叠纪鳍龙类研究”

叶思遥:2021-2024(预期),2021年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学学士学位,硕士课题为“华南三叠纪海生爬行动物群牙形石生物地层研究”




滕明坤:2020-20232020年获山东科技大学人文地理与城乡规划学士学位,2023年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地理学硕士学位,硕士论文题目为基于MaxEntInVEST模型的野生扬子鳄适宜生境范围时空演变模拟与质量分析”,目前为中央民族大学博士研究生

何竞:2020-20232020年获池州学院地理科学学士学位,硕士论文题目为新铺龙(爬行纲:海龙目)个体发育研究 2023年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学硕士学位,目前为巢湖中学地理教师

崔杰:2019-20222019年获信阳师范学院地理科学学士学位,2022年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学硕士学位,硕士论文题目为岭南地区第四纪鳄类研究,目前为中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所实验员

程向元:2019-20222019年获安徽理工大学地理信息科学学士学位,2022年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地理学硕士学位,硕士论文题目为物种分布模型在华南第四纪鳄类生物地理研究中的应用,目前为南京国图信息产业有限公司工程

王莎:2018-20212013年获长江大学地质学学士学位,2021年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学硕士学位,硕士论文题目为“安徽省凤阳县板桥~洼子陈地区金、钼多金属矿床地质特征及成因初探”,目前为安徽省地质矿产勘查局312地质队工程师

熊志凤:2017-20202017年获沈阳师范大学古生物学学士学位,2020年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学硕士学位,硕士论文题目为《云贵地区中三叠世两件混鱼龙新标本研究》,目前为中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所实验员

李强:2016-20192016年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育资源勘查工程学士学位,2019年获BETVlCTOR 伟德体育地质学硕士学位,硕士论文题目为《三叠纪鳍龙类研究》,目前为德国波恩大学博士研究生



围绕地球环境与生命的协同演化及其资源富集效应,在各类学术刊物共发表论文30余篇。作为第一完成人取得的成果先后被选为Nature研究亮点、Science编委会推荐研究、国际古脊椎动物学英文教材封面成果、中国科学院《2018科学发展报告》20项中国科研代表性成果、2014中国地质调查局地质科技十大进展,并先后受到路透社、法新社和新华社等国内外知名通讯社以及中国日报、中国青年报、科技日报(头版头条)、南华早报、BBC (Top story)、每日邮报、纽约时报、时代周刊、华盛顿邮报、福克斯新闻、美国国家地理、探索杂志等知名国内外媒体采访或特别报道。  



14. 古生物学高端教学和研究团队建设,G2023148001L,科技部外国文教专家项目-高端外国专家引进计划,30万元,2023-2024年(连续资助)

13. 扬子地区三叠纪海生爬行动物辐射演化定量研究,42172026,国家自然科学基金面上项目,76.5万元,2022-2025

12. 巢湖下三叠统原始海生爬行动物化石示范发掘场建设及典型剖面清理,2021-g-2-16,安徽省公益性地质工作项目,31.48万元,2021-2023年(BETVlCTOR 伟德体育课题负责)

11. 古生物学高端教学和研究团队建设,G2021148001L,科技部外国文教专家项目-高端外国专家引进计划,40万元,2021-2022年(连续资助)

10. 古生物学高端教学和研究团队建设,G20200012007,科技部外国文教专家项目-高端外国专家引进计划,63万元,2020

9. 海龙的骨组织研究及其生物地理学意义,PA2020GDKC0022,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,60万元,2020-2022

8. 古生物学教学和研究团队建设,GH200000,科技部外国文教专家项目-高端外国专家引进计划,20万元,2019

7. 海龙的演化:生物多样性、谱系发育及生物地理研究,41772003,国家自然科学基金面上项目,95.2万元,2018-2021

6. 扬子地区三叠纪海生爬行类辐射演化研究,PA2018GDQT0007,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,30万元,2018-2019

5. 扬子地区三叠纪海龙的骨组织学研究,173117,现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室开放基金,8万元,2018-2020

4. 中国西南地区中三叠世混鱼龙类的研究,41402015,国家自然科学青年基金, 28万元,2015-2017

3. 新生代柴达木盆地气候变化和植被响应,1508085QD70,安徽省自然科学青年基金, 8万元,2015-2017

2. 中国西南地区中三叠世混鱼龙类的研究,143104,现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室开放基金,8万元,2014-2017

1. Phylogenetics of Triassic   Marine Reptiles from Southwest China,  10209100.92530.25300.335.01, Hong   Kong Research Grant Council, 7.5万港币,2011



3. 青藏高原不同地块的隆升过程与动力学机制,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究,90万元,2019QZKK07082019-2022

2. 云南罗平生物群专题研究,中国地质调查局研究专项,300万元,2008-2011

1. 中生代有尾两栖类的起源、系统分支、进化发育和生物地理历史,40532008,国家自然科学基金重点项目,150万元,2006-2009



国际SCI期刊Swiss   Journal of Palaeontology   (JCR 1) Associate Editor (2022年至今),《China Geology(ESCI源刊)青年编委(2022年),青年副主编(2023年至今);《中国煤炭地质》编委(2022年至今);

Acta Palaeontologica   Polonica, Applied   Geochemistry, Central European Journal of Geosciences, GSA   Bulletin, Historical Biology, Journal of Earth Science, Journal   of Iberian Geology, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Lithosphere,   Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Paläontologie, New Mexico Museum of   Natural History and Science Bulletins, Palaeogeography   Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Palaeontologica Electronica, Palaeontology,   PeerJ, PLOS OneRoyal Society Open   Science, Scientific   Reports, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, The Geological Society   Special Publications, 《地球科学》,《古生物学报》,《BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报》等国内外学术期刊审稿人;

安徽省地质学会理事(2019年至今),中国古生物化石保护基金会化石科普工作专业委员会委员(2019-2022年), 安徽省古生物化石专家委员会委员(2021年至今), 中国地质学会青年工作委员会委员(2022年至今), 国家古生物化石专家库专家(2022年至今),安徽省古生物与地质遗迹学会常务理事(2023年至今);

2018年《德国地球科学联合会》专题第一召集人、2022年《中国古生物学会第三十届学术年会》专题第二召集人、2022年《第三届全国地学研究生论坛》专题召集人、2022年《第六届国际古生物学大会》专题第一召集人、2022年《安徽省首届地学研究生论坛》组委会副主任、2023年《第六届全国青年地质大会》专题第一召集人、2023年《The 4th International Symposium on Triassic and   later Marine Vertebrate Faunas》科学委员会委员;





33.   Yi-Wei Hu, Qiang Li, Jun Liu*, 2023. A new pachypleurosaur   (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of southwestern China and   its phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. Swiss Journal of   Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1186/s13358-023-00292-4

32.   Yuting Lu & Jun Liu*, 2023. A new tanystropheid   (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Middle Triassic of SW China and the   biogeographic origin of Tanystropheidae. Journal of Systematic   Palaeontology. 21(1): 2250778.

31.   Klein, N.*, Sander, P.M., Liu, J., Druckenmiller,   P., Metz, E.T., Kelley, N.P. and Scheyer, T.M., 2023. Comparative bone   histology of two thalattosaurians (Diapsida: Thalattosauria): Askeptosaurus   italicus from the Alpine Triassic (Middle Triassic) and a   Thalattosauroidea indet. from the Carnian of Oregon (Late Triassic). Swiss   Journal of Palaeontology, 142(1): 15.

30.   Wolniewicz, A.S., Shen, Y., Li, Q., Sun, Y., Qiao, Y., Chen, Y., Hu, Y.-W.   and Liu, J.*, 2023. An armoured marine reptile from the   Early Triassic of South China and its phylogenetic and evolutionary   implications. eLife, 12: e83163.

29.   Li, Q., Liu, J.*, Klein, N., Nakajima, Y. and Sander, M.,   2023. Puberty in a Mesozoic reptile. Current Biology, 33(14):   3011-3016.

28.   Sun, Y., Liang, Y., Liu, H., Liu, J., Ji, J., Ke, X., Liu, X., He, Y.,   Wang, H., Zhang, B., Zhang, Y., Zhuang, G., Pei, J., Li, Y., Quan, C., Li,   J., Aitchison, J.C., Liu, W.*   and Liu, Z.*,   2023. Mid-Miocene sea level altitude of the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan   Plateau. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1): 3.

27.   程向元,   刘俊*,   崔杰,   陆雨婷,   2023. 基于MaxEnt模型预测马来鳄在中国的潜在生境.   BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报(自然科学版).   46 (05), 691-697

26.   滕明坤,   刘俊*,   陆雨婷,   程向元,   王誉,   2023. 气候变化下野生扬子鳄(鳄目:短吻鳄科)   在中国的分布模拟.   生态学报.   43(13): 5442-5452.

25.   刘俊*,   崔杰,   陆雨婷,   2022. 长吻鳄科(爬行纲:鳄目)系统发育研究进展及展望.   BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报(自然科学版).   45(12): 1684-1692.

24.   李元,   孙媛媛*,   邓国仕,   袁峰,   刘俊2022.   湖泊沉积物C4植物含量重建方法的讨论--以新生代柴达木盆地大红沟剖面为例.   沉积与特提斯地质.   42(4): 572-584.

23.   Qiao, Y., Liu, J.*, Wolniewicz, A.S., Iijima, M., Shen, Y.,   Wintrich, T., Li, Q. and Sander, P.M., 2022. A globally distributed   durophagous marine reptile clade supports the rapid recovery of pelagic   ecosystems after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Communications   Biology, 5(1): 1242.

22.   Hu, Y.-W. and Liu, J.*, 2022. A new morphotype of   nothosaurs (Sauropterygia: Nothosauridae) from the Middle Triassic of South   China. Historical Biology, 35(10): 1794-1803.

21.   Iijima, M., Qiao, Y., Lin, W., Peng, Y., Yoneda, M. and Liu, J.*,   2022. An intermediate crocodylian linking two extant gharials from the Bronze   Age of China and its human-induced extinction. Proceedings of the Royal   Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1970): 20220085.

20.   孙媛媛,   崔杰,   刘俊*,   2021. 海龙的起源和演化.   古生物学报,   59(4): 489-498.

19.   Sun, Y., Liu, J., Liang, Y., Ji, J., Liu, W.,   Aitchison, J.C., Sun, J., Lu, J., Song, B., Xu, Y., Zhang, K. and Liu, Z.*,   2020. Cenozoic moisture fluctuations on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and   association with global climatic conditions. Journal of Asian Earth   Sciences, 200(104490): 1-9.

18.   Qiang Li, Jun Liu*, 2020. An Early Triassic sauropterygian   and associated fauna from South China provide insights into Triassic   ecosystem health. Communications Biology, 3(63): 1-11.

17.   Yu Qiao, Masaya Iijima, Jun Liu*, 2020. The largest   hupehsuchian (Reptilia, Ichthyosauromorpha) from the Lower Triassic of South   China indicates early establishment of high predator pressure after   Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,   39(5): e1719122.

16.   Yuan-Yuan Sun*, Jian-Fei Yan, Yu-Peng Men, Qian Yu, Wei Liu,   Xiao-Wei Chen, Jian-Wei Kang, Hai-Quan Zhang, Yuefeng Shen, Jun Liu*,   2020. Geochemical and geological characteristics of the Upper   Ordovician-Lower Silurian shales in the upper Yangtze basin, South China:   implication for the shale gas exploration. ACS Omega, 5(18): 10228–10239.

15.   Jun Liu*, Martin Sander, 2019. The Vossenveld Formation and   biotic recovery from the Permo-Triassic extinction. Staringia,   16(5/6): 147-152.

14.   李强,   刘俊*,   2019. 中国鳍龙类(爬行纲:双孔亚纲)研究进展.   BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报(自然科学版)42(3):   355-360.

13.   Jianwei Kang, Yuanyuan Sun*, Yupeng Men*, Jingchun   Tian, Qian Yu, Jianfei Yan, Jiashan Lin, Jun Liu, 2018. Shale gas   enrichment conditions in the frontal margin of Dabashan orogenic belt, south   China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 54: 11-24.

12.   Jun Liu*, Chris L. Organ, Michael J. Benton, Matthew C. Brandley,   Jonathan C. Aitchison, 2017. Live birth in an archosauromorph reptile. Nature   Communications, 8 (14445): 1-8. Nature研究亮点,Science编委会推荐研究,Nature   Asia研究亮点,Nature China研究亮点)

11.   Jian-Fei Yan, Yu-Peng Men, Yuan-Yuan Sun*, Qian Yu, Wei Liu,   Hai-Quan Zhang, Jun Liu, Jian-Wei Kang, Shao-Nan Zhang, Hong-Hai Bai,   Xi Zheng, 2016. Geochemical and geological characteristics of the Lower   Cambrian shales in the middle–upper Yangtze area of South China and their   implication for the shale gas exploration. Marine and Petroleum Geology,   70: 1-13.

10.   Jun Liu*, 2015. Discussion of ‘The Triassic U–Pb age for   the aquatic long-necked protorosaur of Guizhou, China’. Geological   Magazine, 152(03): 572-573.

9.   Jun Liu*, Shi-xue Hu, Olivier Rieppel, Da-yong Jiang,   Michael J. Benton, Neil P. Kelley, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Chang-yong Zhou,   Wen Wen, Jin-yuan Huang, Tao Xie, Tao Lv, 2014. A gigantic nothosaur   (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of SW China and its   implication for the Triassic biotic recovery. Scientific Reports,   4(7142): 1-9. (2014年度地质科技十大进展,Nature Asia研究亮点)

8.   Qiyue Zhang, Wen Wen, Shixue Hu, Michael J. Benton*, Changyong   Zhou, Tao Xie, Tao Lü, Jinyuan Huang, Brian Choo, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Jun   Liu, Qichan Zhang, 2014. Nothosaur foraging tracks from the Middle   Triassic of southwestern China. Nature Communications, 5(3973): 1-12.

7.   Michael J. Benton*, Qiyue Zhang, Shixue Hu, Zhong-Qiang Chen,   Wen Wen, Jun Liu, Jinyuang Huang, Changyong Zhou, Tao Xie, Jinnan   Tong, 2013. Exceptional vertebrate biotas from the Triassic of China, and the   expansion of marine ecosystems after the end-Permian mass extinction. Earth-Science   Reviews, 125: 199-243.

6.   Jun Liu*, Ryosuke Motani, Da-yong Jiang, Shi-xue Hu,   Jonathan C. Aitchison, Olivier Rieppel, Michael J. Benton, Qi-yue Zhang,   Chang-yong Zhou, 2013. The first record of the Middle Triassic Phalarodon   atavus (Ichthyosauria: Mixosauridae) from South China showing the postcranial   anatomy and peri-Tethyan distribution. Palaeontology, 56(4): 849-866.

5.   Yuan-yuan Sun*, Ke-xin Zhang, Jun Liu, Yu-xin He, Bo-wen   Song, Wei-guo Liu, Zhong-hui Liu*, 2012. Long-chain alkenones   preserved in Miocene lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 50:   19-25.

4.   Jun Liu*, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Jason R. Ali, 2011. Upper   Paleocene radiolarians from DSDP Sites 549 and 550, Goban Spur, NE Atlantic. Palaeoworld,   20(2-3): 218-231.

3.   Jun Liu*, Olivier Rieppel, Da-yong Jiang, Jonathan C.   Aitchison, Ryosuke Motani, Qi-yue Zhang, Chang-yong Zhou, Yuan-yuan Sun,   2011. A new pachypleurosaur (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) from the lower Middle   Triassic of SW China and the phylogenetic relationships of Chinese   pachypleurosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(2): 292-302.   (古脊椎动物学英文教材封面成果之一)

2.   Jun Liu*, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Yuan-yuan Sun, Qi-yue   Zhang, Chang-yong Zhou, Tao Lv, 2011. New mixosaurid ichthyosaur specimen   from the Middle Triassic of SW China: further evidence for the diapsid origin   of ichthyosaurs. Journal of Paleontology. 85(1): 32-36.

1. 孙媛媛*刘俊,吕涛,许效松,张启跃,楼雄英,江新胜,2009.   罗平生物群产出层位氧碳稳定同位素的初步研究.   地质学报83(8):   1110-1117.




2.   刘俊,   2018. 恐龙表亲也下崽-胎生助羊膜动物称霸海洋,   科学,   70(2): 1-5. (科普文章)

1.   刘俊,   2013. 罗平的鱼龙化石新发现.   大自然,   2013(4): 16-17. (科普文章)



28. Jun Liu, Yu-Ting   Lu, 2023. A new tanystropheid (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Middle   Triassic of SW China and the biogeographic origin of Tanystropheidae. 2nd   Asian Palaeontological Congress. Tokyo, Japan. (口头报告)

27. J. LIU, A.S.   WOLNIEWICZ, Y. SHEN, Q. LI, Y. QIAO, Y. SUN, Y.-W. HU, 2023. An armored   marine reptile from the Early Triassic of South China with implications for   the phylogeny of Archelosauria. 8th International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes   and Aquatic Tetrapods. Stuttgart, Germany. (口头报告)

26. J. LIU, A.S.   WOLNIEWICZ, Y. SHEN, Q. LI, Y. QIAO, Y. SUN, Y.-W. HU, 2023. An armored   marine reptile from the Early Triassic of South China with implications for   the phylogeny of Archelosauria. 20th EAVP, Barcelona, Spain. (口头报告)

25. 刘俊, 2023. 爬行动物胎生. 第六届全国青年地质大会, 湖北武汉. (主题报告)

24. 刘俊, 2022. 爬行动物胎生. 《第三届全国地学研究生论坛-安徽分论坛》暨《安徽省首届地学研究生论坛》, 安徽合肥. (大会特邀报告)

23. 刘俊, 2020. 华南三叠纪海生爬行动物。2020安徽省古生物学会年会,安徽全椒。(大会特邀报告)

22. Jun Liu;   Qiang Li. 2019. AN EARLY TRIASSIC SAUROPTERYGIAN FROM SOUTH CHINA . 79th   Annual Meeting for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Brisbane,   Australia. (展板报告)

21. Jun Liu, 2018.   Overview of the marine reptiles from the Triassic of China: Faunas and taxa   from the late Early Triassic to the early Late Triassic. 50 jaar afdeling   Winterswijk Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging, Winterswijk, Netherlands. (大会特邀报告)

20. Jun Liu; P.   Martin Sander; Adun Samathi; Phornphen Chanthasit. 2018. The earliest   ichthyosaur from the middle Lower Triassic. 78th annual meeting of the   Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Albuquerque, USA. (口头报告)

19. Jun Liu; P.   Martin Sander; Adun Samathi; Phornphen Chanthasit. 2018. The earliest   ichthyosaur from the middle Lower Triassic. GeoBonn 2018, Bonn, Germany. (口头报告)

18. Jun Liu; P.   Martin Sander; Adun Samathi; Phornphen Chanthasit. 2018. The earliest   ichthyosaur from the middle Lower Triassic of Thailand. IPC5, Paris, France. (口头报告)

17. Jun Liu,   Qiang Li. 2018. The earliest nothosaur (Reptilia: Eosauropterygia) from the   Lower Triassic of South China and its implication to the biotic recovery from   the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. 45th Vertebrate Palaeontology Working   Group Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Magdeburg. (口头报告)

    16. 刘俊; P. Martin Sander; Adun   Samathi; Phornphen Chanthasit. 2018. 泰国早三叠世最早的鱼龙. 中国古生物学会年会, 河南省郑州市. (口头报告)

15. 刘俊, 2018. 主龙型动物胎生. 16 届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会, 合肥. (口头报告)

14. Jun Liu,   2017. Live birth and the radiation of marine reptiles. 第二届中德古生物学国际会议, 宜昌, 2017.(口头报告)

13. Jun Liu,   2017. Live birth and the radiation of marine reptiles after the   Permo-Triassic mass extinction. The 4th International Conference of   Geobiology: Rocks, life and climate, Wuhan, China. (口头报告)

12. Jun Liu,   2017. Live birth in a stem archosaurian reptile and its implication for the   radiation of marine reptiles after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. IGCP   630 Annual Meeting, Japan. (口头报告)

    11. 刘俊,2015. 爬行动物生殖方式的演化. 中国古生物学会第28届学术年会,辽宁沈阳. (主题报告)

    10. 刘俊,2015. 罗平生物群的海生爬行类研究进展. 三叠纪地层古生物研究研讨会暨化石保护研究和产地管理论坛,云南罗平. (口头报告)

    9. 刘俊,2014. 来自于云南罗平中三叠世一巨型幻龙对三叠纪生物大复苏所带来的启示. 中国古脊椎动物学会第14次学术年会,贵州黔西.(口头报告)

    8. Jun   Liu, Shi-xue Hu, Da-yong Jiang, Michael J. Benton, Chang-yong Zhou, 2014. A   gigantic nothosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of SW   China and its implication for the biotic recovery from the Permian-Triassic   mass extinction. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and   Abstracts Book, 2014, 169. (展板报告)

    7. Jun   Liu, 2011. Biodiversity of marine reptiles from the Middle Triassic Luoping   biota, Yunnan, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(Special issue,   Supplement 2), 145A. (展板报告)  

    6. Jun   Liu, Olivier Rieppel, Da-yong Jiang, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Qi-yue Zhang,   2010. A small pachypleurosaur from the lower Middle Triassic of SW China with   comments on the phylogeny of Eosauropterygia. Journal of Vertebrate   Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book, 2010, 123A. (口头报告)

    5. Jun   Liu, Da-yong Jiang, Ryosuke Motani, Olivier Rieppel, Michael J. Benton,   Jonathan C. Aitchison, Shi-xue Hu, Qi-yue Zhang, Chang-yong Zhou, 2010. A   preliminary review of the diversity of marine reptiles from Luoping Fauna.   International Symposium on Triassic and Later Marine Vertebrate Faunas   Program and Abstracts Book, p. 62. (口头报告)

    4. Jun   Liu, Da-yong Jiang, Ryosuke Motani, Olivier Rieppel, Jonathan C. Aitchison,   Shi-xue Hu, Qi-yue Zhang, Chang-yong Zhou, 2010. A review of Chinese   mixosaurids. International Symposium on Triassic and Later Marine Vertebrate   Faunas Program and Abstracts Book, p. 63. (口头报告)

    3. Jun   Liu, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Yuan-yuan Sun, Qi-yue Zhang, Chang-yong Zhou, Tao   Lv, 2009. New mixosaurid ichthyosaur specimen from the Middle Triassic of SW   China: further evidence for the diapsid origin of ichthyosaurs.中国古生物学会第25届学术年会. (口头报告)

    2. Jun   Liu, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Jason R. Ali, 2009. Upper Paleocene radiolarians   from DSDP Sites 549 and 550, Goban Spur, NE Atlantic. INTERRAD XII:   Radiolarians Through Time. (展板报告)

1. Jun Liu, 2007.   First discovery of facultative paedomorphosis in amphibian fossils. Journal   of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27 (3, Supplement): 106A. (展板报告)



    2018                  中国科学院《2018科学发展报告》20项中国科研代表性成果

    2017                  德国洪堡学者

    2015                  国土资源部科学技术一等奖

    2014                  中国地质调查局十大地质科技进展

    2012                  澳大利亚奋进学者

    2011                  美国富布莱特学者

    2011                  国际古脊椎动物学会Student Travel Grant


