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2006.09-2010.10 香港大学,岩石地球化学专业获博士学位

1998.09-2002.06 吉林大学矿产与勘察专业获学士学位


2014.03至今 BETVlCTOR 伟德体育伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国,教授

2011.03-2014.02 加拿大滑铁卢大学地球与环境科学公司,博士后

2010.11-2011.02 香港大学地球科学学院研究助理

2002.07-2006.08 南京地质矿产研究所研究助理






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10. 安徽含山-无为-南陵盆地沉积结构与演化(国土资源部DD20190043子项目),主持。

9. 华夏地块泛非期构造热事件研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目41872237,主持。

8. 武夷山成矿带基底变质岩系控矿因素调查(国土资源部DD20160037子项目),主持。

7. 政和-大埔断裂带基性-超基性岩记录的华夏板块大地构造演化信息研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目41573023,主持。

6. 扬子与华夏地块基底演化与对比研究(国土资源部科技项目1212011121113,参加。

5. 华南白垩纪晚期陆相红层研究,参加。

4. 江西-福建羊角-东圩地区矿产远景调查,参加。

3. 雷琼世界地质公园申报,参加。

2. 西昆仑瓦恰--科库西里克--夏麦兹地区铜铅锌矿评价,参加。

1. 沪苏浙地区国土资源综合调查,参加。


Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Xing, G.F., Xiao, F., Xiao, W.J., 2022. Identification of ca. 520 Ma mid-ocean-ridge-type ophiolite suite in the inner Cathaysia Block, South China: Evidence from shearing-type oceanic plagiogranite. Geological Society of American Bulletin, in press.https://doi.org/10.1130/B36088.1

阚天翔,李龙明*,陈默, 蒋仁,江涧,2022.安徽中南部大隆组沉积环境及油气潜力特征,BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报(自然科学版),待刊。

Kan, T.X., Li, L.M*., Chen, M., Liu, H., Zhao, X.L., Jiang, R., Han, X., 2022. Provenance of the siliciclastic rocks in the Lower Yangtze region: Implications for Paleozoic tectonic switching of the northeastern South China Block. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 228, 105145.

陈默,李龙明*阚天翔,蒋仁,吴雪峰,李加好,2022. 含山-无为地区下蜀黄土地球化学特征及物源探讨BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报自然科版),待刊。

Chen, M., Li, L.M*.,Kan, T.X., Liu, H., Zhao, X.L., Li, J.H., Han, X., 2022. Geochemistry and SrNd isotopes of the Late Mesozoic lamprophyres in the Chaohu area, eastern China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Island Arc, 31(1), e12438.

 王波,李龙明*赵希林,刘航,王磊, 韩旭,2022. 福建迪口地区前坑村岩体和罗村岩体成因及其构造背景,BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报(自然科学版),451),81-91.

Han, X.,Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Ren, S.L., Liang, T, Liu, H., Feng, L.M.,,Ge, Y.P., Lu, K.J., Wang, L., 2021. Geochronology and geochemistry of granites from the Hengjian area, East Qinling Orogenic Belt: implications for the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the North Qinling Terrane, China. Geological Journal, 56(10), 5140–5162.

Zhao, X.L., Li, L.M*., Xu, M.C., Liu, H., Zhu, Q.B., Jin, G.D., Jiang, Y., 2021. Control of basement on Paleozoic mineralizations in the Wuyi metallogenic belt. Ore Geology Reviews, 131, 104037.

Jiang, J., Xing, G.F., Li, L.M*., Zhao, X.L., Liu, H., Zhang, J.G., Li, J.H., Wang, L., Lu, K.J., Wang, B., 2020. Age and provenance of Cambrian sequences in the Nanping–Ninghua–Ganzhou tectonic belt: Implication for tectonic evolution of the Cathaysia Block. Geological Journal, 55, 7057–7079.

Zhou, Y., Li, L.M*., Yang, K., Xing, G.F., Xiao, W.J., Zhang, H.L., Xiu, L.C., Yao, Z.Y., Xie, Z.J., 2020. Hydrothermal alteration characteristics of the Chating Cu-Au deposit in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, China: Significance of sericite alteration for Cu-Au exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 127, 103844.

Liang, T., Li, L.M*., Lu, R., Xiao, W.J., 2020. Early Cretaceous mafic dikes in the northern Qinling Orogenic Belt, central China: Implications for lithosphere delamination. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 194, 104142, 1-17.

王磊,李龙明*,班宜忠,卢可佳,葛延鹏,江涧, 2020. 武夷山地区基底变质岩系与区域Cu-Au多金属矿床的关系初探.BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学报自然科版)435),688-695.

Feng, L.M., Lin, S.F., Li, L.M*., Donald W. D, Song, C.Z., Li, J.H., Ren, S.L., Han, X., Ge, Y.P., Lu, K.J. 2020. Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt from the Early Permian–middle Triassic granitoid rocks from the central Dunhuang orogenic belt, NW China. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 194, 104283, 1-17.

Lu, K.J., Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Ren, S.L., Feng, L.M., Han, X., Ge, Y.P., Jiang, J., Wang, L., Wang, B., 2020. Geochronological and geochemical data of paragneiss and amphibolite from the Chencai Group in South China: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic significance, Geological Journal, 55, 6823–6840.

Ge, Y.P., Li, L.M*., Zhao, X.L., Lin, S.F., Liu, H., Han, X., Feng, L.M., 2020. Early palaeozoic oceanic island-seamount assemblage in northern Fujian, South China: Implications for pre-Devonian tectonic evolution of the Wuyi orogenic belt. Geological Journal 55, 3208–3228.

Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Li, J.H., He, J., Ge, Y.P., 2018. Zircon UPb ages and hf isotope compositions of the Chencai migmatite, central Zhejiang province, south China: constraints on the early Palaeozoic orogeny. Geological Magazine, 1-17.

Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Xing, G.F., Jiang, Y., Xia, X.P., 2018. Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Jingtan Formation in the eastern Jiangnan orogen, South China: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 309,166-180

贺健,李龙明*,林寿发,邢光福,姜杨,任升莲,李加好,冯腊梅,葛延鹏. 2018. 政和-大埔断裂带内变基性岩成因及构造属性研究地质学报, 92(5), 946-963.

Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Xing, G.F., Jiang, Y., He, J., 2017. First Direct Evidence of Pan-African Orogeny Associated with Gondwana Assembly in the Cathaysia Block of Southern China. Scientific Reports, 7(1).

贺健, 李龙明*, 任升莲, 林寿发, 李加好, 葛延鹏, 冯腊梅. 2017. 福建政和粗面安山岩的年代学、地球化学特征:对中国东南沿海晚中生代挤压—伸展构造的启示地质科学, 52(2), 592-615.

Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Xing, G.F., Davis, D.W., Jiang.Y., Davis, W.J., Zhang, Y.J., 2016. Ca. 830 Ma back-arc type volcanic rocks in the eastern part of the Jiangnan orogen: Implications for the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of South China Block. Precambrian Research, 275, 209-224.

Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Davis, D.W., Xing, G.F., Xiao, W.J., Yin, C.Q., 2014. Geochronology and geochemistry of igneous rocks from the Kongling terrain: Implications for Mesoarchean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research, 255 (1), 30-47.

Li, L.M*., Lin, S.F., Xing, G.F., Ren, S.L., Li, J.H., 2014. Petrogenesis and mantle source characteristics of Cenozoic alkaline diabase, Jiangxi Province, southeastern China. International Geology Review, 56 (16), 1919-1931.

Li, L.M., Lin, S.F*., Xing, G.F., Davis, D.W., Davis, W.J., Xiao, W.J. Yin, C.Q., 2013. Geochemistry and tectonic implications of late Mesoproterozoic alkaline bimodal volcanic rocks from the Tieshajie Group in the southeastern Yangtze Block, South China. Precambrian Research 230, 179–192.

Li, L.M., Lin, S.F*., Xing, G.F., Davis, D.W., Davis, W.J., Xiao, W.J., Yin, C.Q., 2013. Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Shaojiwa Formation and Xingzi Group, Lushan area, SE China: Implications for Neoproterozoic back-arc basin in the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 238, 1–17.

Li, L.M., Sun, M*., Wang, Y.J., Xing, G.F., Zhao, G.C., He, Y.H., He, K.J., Zhang, A.M., 2011. U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of detrital zircons from the meta-sedimentary rocks in central Jiangxi Province, South China: Implications for the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of South China Block. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences 41, 44–55.

Li, L.M., Sun, M*., Wang Y.J., Xing, G.F., Zhao, G.C., Lin, S.F., Xia, X.P., Chan, L.S., Zhang, F.F., Wong, J., 2011. U-Pb and Hf isotopic study of zircons from migmatised amphibolites in the Cathaysia Block: Implications for the early Paleozoic peak tectonothermal event in Southeastern China. Gondwana Research 19, 191–201.

Li, L.M., Sun, M*., Wang, Y.J., Xing, G.F., Zhao, G.C., Cai, K.D., Zhang, Y.Z., 2011. Geochronology and Geochemistry study of Palaeoproterozoic gneissic granites and clinopyroxenite enclaves from NW Fujian, SE China: implications for the crustal evolution of the Cathaysia Block. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences 41, 204–212.

Li, L.M., Sun, M*., Xing, G.F., Zhao, G.C., Zhou, M.F., Chen, R., Wong, J. 2009. Two Late Mesozoic volcanic events in Fujian Province, China: constraints on tectonic evolution of Southeastern China. International Geological Review 51 (3), 216–251.

