















安徽省合肥市屯溪路193BETVlCTOR 伟德体育纬地楼310




  • 教育及工作经历

  • 2005.09-2009.06,学士,中国科学技术大学,专业:地球化学

  • 2009.09-2016.11,博士,中国科学技术大学,专业:地球化学

  • 2012.09-2012.12,访问学者,University of Arkansas,研究方向:镁同位素地球化学

  • 2014.01-2014.08,访问学者,University of Washington,研究方向:镁同位素地球化学

  • 2016.12至今,讲师,伟德bv1946官网伟德bv1946官网


  • 新型金属稳定同位素(如MgFeLiK等)分析方法开发;

  • 地质作用过程中的金属稳定同位素地球化学行为及其分馏机理研究;

  • 新型金属稳定同位素体系(如FeKLi等)在示踪应用探索;

  • 地学大数据分析。


  • 专业课:《地球系统科学》

  • 研究生课程:《地球环境演化》


  • BETVlCTOR 伟德体育学术新人提升计划,JZ2021HGTB0110,南海西沙群岛永兴岛珊瑚钻孔的Mg-K同位素地球化学研究,2021/05-2023/0420万元,在研,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41703006,大别苏鲁造山带超高压变质大理岩及其包裹榴辉岩的Mg同位素地球化学,2018/01-2020/1224万元,结题,主持

  • BETVlCTOR 伟德体育博士专项科研资助基金,JZ2017HGBZ0962,华北克拉通东南缘中生代荆山岩体中石榴石的矿物学研究,2017/05-2019/04,2万元,结题,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,LA-(MC)-ICP-MS面扫描技术开发及应用,在研,参加

  • 国家自然科学基金重大专项项目,长江中下游成矿带斑岩-矽卡岩型铜金矿床中CdCoTeRe等关键金属富集机制研究,在研,参加


  • 第一作者及通讯作者论文

  • Gu H. O.* and Sun H.* (2021) High-precision analysis of potassium isotopes by MC-ICP-MS without collision cell using cool plasma technique in low-resolution mode. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36, 2545-2552.

  • Huang, C., Gu, H.-O.*, Sun, H.*, Wang, F. and Chen, B. (2021) High-precision determination of stable potassium and magnesium isotopes utilizing single column separation and multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 181, 106232.

  • Gu, H.-O.*, Sun, H.*, Huang, C., Wang, F. and Ge, C. (2021) Application of a "Continuous-Acquisition-Method" to potassium isotope measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 35, e9105.

  • Gu, H.-O. *, Sun, H., Wang, F., Ge, C., & Zhou, T. (2019). A new practical isobaric interference correction model for the in situ Hf isotopic analysis using laser ablation-multi-collector-ICP-mass spectrometry of zircons with high Yb/Hf ratios. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34(6), 1223-1232.

  • Gu, H.-O., Xiao, Y.*, Santosh, M., Li, W.-Y., Yang, X., Pack, A., Hou, Z. (2013) Spatial and temporal distribution of Mesozoic adakitic rocks along the Tan-Lu fault, Eastern China: Constraints on the initiation of lithospheric thinning. Lithos 177, 352-365.

  • 其他合著论文(近五年)

  • Yang L., Li Y., Wang F., Gu H.-O., Zhang W., Feng L., Li C., Hu Z. and Li X.-H. (2022) Further Characterizing Eppawala-AP as a Potential Cl-Rich Apatite Sr Isotope Reference Material. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 10.1039/D2JA00013J.

  • Wang Y.-Y., Xiao Y., Sun H., Tong F., Gu H.-O. and Lu Y. (2021) Lithium isotope composition of the Carboniferous seawater: Implications for initiating and maintaining the late Paleozoic ice age. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 222, 104977.

  • Wang, F., Guo, Y., Yan, H., Gu, H., Sun, H. and Ge, C. (2021) Geochronology and geochemistry of the W-Mo-ore-related granitic rocks from eastern Ningzhen, lower Yangtze river belt, eastern China. Acta Geochimica.

  • Lu, Y., Xiao, Y., Nadeau, O., Yang, X., Wang, Y., Hou, Z., Sun, H., Li, D., Gu, H. and Deng, J. (2021) Inherited source affinity of Li and Hf isotopes for porphyry copper deposits from subduction and collisional settings. Ore Geology Reviews, 104328.

  • Ge, C., Huo, J.J., Gu, H.O., Wang, F.Y., Sun, H., Li, X.Y., Li, W.W. and Yuan, F. (2021) Tectonic discrimination and application based on convolution neural network and incomplete big data. J Geochem Explor 220, 106662.

  • Li, W.W., Ge, C., Wang, F.Y., Sun, H. and Gu, H.O. (2021) The spatial distribution characteristics of Nb-Ta of mafic rocks in subduction zones. Open Geosciences 13, 390-400.

  • 汪方跃, 张文奇, 段留安, 吴杰, 葛粲, 孙贺, 顾海欧and 沈睿文 (2021) 东秦岭地区一种富稀土热液型钡解石的发现及其意义. 岩石矿物学杂志40, 337-346.

  • Wang, X., Xiao, Y., Sun, H., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Yang, K., Gu, H. O., Hou, Z., Tian, Y., Wu, W., Ma, Y.(2020). Initiation of the North China Craton destruction: Constraints from the diamond-bearing alkaline basalts from Langan, China. Gondwana Research, 80, 228-243.

  • Yan, H., Wang, F., Gu, H. O., Sun, H., & Ge, C. (2020). Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopic Characteristics of Muchen Pluton in Southeast China, Constrain the Petrogenesis of Alkaline A-Type Magma. Minerals, 10(1), 80.

  • 葛粲, 张旗, 李修钰, 孙贺, 顾海欧, 李伟伟, & 袁峰. (2019). 一维到三维密度分布函数及其可视化在大数据分析中的应用——以苦橄质玄武岩等为例地质通报, 38(12), 2043-2052.

  • 孙贺, 肖益林, 顾海欧, 王洋洋, & 王晓霞. (2018). 北大别铙钹寨榴辉岩的多期变质与熔流体交代作用岩石学报, 34(12), 3497-3508.

  • Chen, B., Gu, H.O., Chen, Y.J., Sun, K.K. and Chen, W. (2018) Lithium isotope behaviour during partial melting of metapelites from the Jiangnan Orogen, South China: Implications for the origin of REE tetrad effect of F-rich granite and associated rare-metal mineralization. Chemical Geology 483, 372-384.

  • 葛粲, 顾海欧, 汪方跃, 李修钰, 周宇章, & 袁峰. (2018). 基于数据密度确定分布区域的方法: TAS 图解分析为例地质科学, 53(4), 1240-1253.

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