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Noel White 教授 系列报告八则


报告人 Noel White 教授 报告时间 2023年10月15日-2023年11月6日
报告地点 纬地楼三楼会议室


报告人:Noel White 教授

工作单位:BETVlCTOR 伟德体育


报告人简介:Noel White教授是国际著名矿床学家和矿床勘探学家,是浅成低温热液型贵金属矿床成矿理论和成矿模式的主要奠基人。现任伟德bv1946官网伟德bv1946官网矿床成因与勘查技术研究中心主任,曾担任世界上最大的矿业公司(BHP矿业公司)的总工程师。直接领导和参与了环太平洋成矿带、澳大利亚南澳及西澳及中国云南等多个大型-超大型矿床和勘探与发现,为全球矿床学研究和矿产资源勘探作出了领导性的杰出贡献。他是国际经济地质学家协会的主要负责人之一,担任多个国际学术期刊的副主编和编委,在世界50余个国家或地区的大学进行过讲学和教学活动,在国际主流专业期刊上发表学术论文近60余篇。

  报告题目:Introduction to ore deposits



In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk a lot about ore deposits, so we need to be clear what we mean:

What do we mean when we say “mineral deposit”?

What do we mean when we say “ore deposit”?

How do we describe them?

How do we classify them?

  报告题目:Major classes of ore deposits

  报告时间:20231018日(星期三) 1900-2100

  报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk magmatic deposit. What is the classification of the magmatic deposit? What is the main characteristic of the magmatic deposits? How do we describe them? How do the typic magmatic deposit form?

  报告题目:Major classes of ore deposits

  报告时间:20231025日(星期三) 1500-1700

  报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk magmatic deposit and magmatic hydrothermal deposits. What is the main characteristic of the magmatic and magmatic hydrothermal deposits? How do we describe them? How do the typic magmatic deposit and magmatic hydrothermal form?

  报告题目:Major classes of ore deposits

  报告时间:20231027日(星期五) 1500-1700

  报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk what are the typic hydrothermal fluids from in magmatic hydrothermal deposits? What is the marine water hydrothermal (VMS)? What is the connate water hydrothermal? What is the meteoric water hydrothermal fluids? What is the supergene fluids?

  报告题目: Environments of ore deposits

  报告时间:20231030日(星期一) 1500-1700

  报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk Environments of ore deposits (including basic hydrothermal geochemistry) in magmatic hydrothermal deposits as follow: How the hydrothermal fluids transport the ore-forming materials? What is the chemical compounds of the hydrothermal fluids?

  报告题目Geochemical sampling

  报告时间:2023111日(星期三) 1500-1700

  报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk geochemical sampling in magmatic hydrothermal deposits. In the field, how do geologists describe the characteristics of magmatic hydrothermal fluids and collect the samples? What do the samples we actually need?

  报告题目Weathering, its importance for ore deposits

  报告时间:2023113日(星期五) 1500-1700

  报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk weathering and its importance for magmatic hydrothermal deposits. Weathering is an very important process to put the deposits exposed on the surface or near-surface, so we can find and mine them easily. We can calculate how deep the crust has been eroded since the deposits have been formed.

  报告题目Introduction to mineral economics

  报告时间:2023116日(星期一) 1500-1700

报告简介:In the lectures Professor Noel White will talk introduction to mineral economics. When the deposits have been discovered, they would be mined, processed and sold to the factory. Profit is very important to control whether and when the deposits would be mined.