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伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国“天地境界”大讲堂报告会(一)之Alison Ord:Geologist's research experiences and getting fun



报告主题:Geologist's research experiences and getting fun from the science(一个地质学家的研究经历与工作乐趣分享)



人:Alison Ord教授




Alison Ord教授,长期从事构造地质及矿床形成过程模拟等方面的研究。现任西澳大利亚大学温思罗普研究教授,为BETVlCTOR 伟德体育“教育部海外名师项目”特聘教授。

Alison Ord教授在1999年至2009年间长期担任澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)勘探与矿业首席科学家,曾先后担任澳洲地质协会名誉秘书长,《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》副主编。2010Alison Ord教授当选为澳大利亚技术科学及工程院院士(ATSE),2012当选为国际地质科学联合会构造地质委员会主席(IUGS)。

Alison Ord, distinguished professor of Oversea Master Program, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Winthrop Research Professor, The University of Western Australia.

Prof. Alison Ord focuses on structural geology and simulation of formation of ore deposits for a long time. She was Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO Exploration & Mining during 1999 -2009, associate editor of Australian Journal of Earth Sciences honorary secretary of Geological Society of Australia. In 2010, she was elected to the Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE). In 2012, she was elected to Chair the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Commission on Tectonics and Structural Geology (TecTask).