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Mike Benton院士(FRS, FRSE)学术报告信息(2017年:24号)


报告题目:How to publish your paper in Natureor Science——Why aim for the top?


报告时间:2017年6月22日上午(星期 四)10:00 - 11:00




人:Mike Benton院士(FRS, FRSE)






报告人简介:Mike Benton院士,1956 年生,苏格兰人,现为英国布里斯托尔大学地球科学学院教授,生命科学学院经理。1992年获英国地质学会优秀青年地质学家奖(Lyell Fund),2005年获英国地质学会杰出学术贡献奖(Lyell Medal),2008年当选苏格兰皇家学会院士(FRSE) ,2010-2014年任国际古生物学会主席,2012-2014年任英国古生物学会主席,2014年当选英国皇家学会院士(FRS)。Benton教授迄今共发表学术论文600多篇,包括37篇Nature论文,9篇Science论文,专著32本。Benton教授上述成果共被引用2万多次,H指数72,为当前国际上H指数最高的古生物学家。从1986年至今,共培养了68位博士。先后担任下列SCI杂志主编或编委:Trends in Ecology & Evolution(1997-2005), Biological Reviews (2003-2009), Biogeosciences (2004-2007),Palaeontology (1987-1992), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology(2005-), Journal of Evolutionary Biology (1994-1997), Lethaia (2001-), ActaPalaeontologica Polonica (2010-2014), Historical Biology (1988-2002), Earth andEnvironmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2009-),Swiss Journal of Geosciences (2004-), Proceedings of the Geologists’Association (2009-), Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (2011-).

报告简介:There is no secret, and there is a lot of luck. Nature and Science are seen as the top journals, and every scientist in theworld tries to publish their best papers there. Why does it matter? I discusswhy it matters, and how to do it. The three secrets are: (1) Make a great newdiscovery; (2) Make a discovery that is unexpected; (3) Use a new method orcombine different branches of science. Then, good luck!
